Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy at Neomed in Cyprus

Medical Ozone is widely used and considered a safe therapy that acts at various levels of the organism to stimulate the body’s own immunity and directly target pathogens, viruses and bacteria, therefore, aiding in the restoration of balance. According to Dr Lahodny, a senior European Physician who developed Multipass Ozone Therapy also known as tenpass, it creates a powerful stem-cell activation and accelerates the healing of internal and external wounds. Ozone is used in the treatment of many diseases that were once considered difficult to treat, and acts as an excellent prophylactic measure for disease prevention. Click here for more information.

TenPass Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy is a well-studied medical therapy used in Europe for around 100 years across a multitude of conditions. In addition to the established methodologies, the Neomed Institute has adopted and combined the very latest techniques including the ground-breaking Multipass Treatment pioneered by Pr. Dr. Lahodny to treat chronic conditions with promising results. According to extensive research and real-life application, Medical Ozone therapy is safe, non-toxic and acts at various levels of the organism to stimulate the body’s own immunity and directly destroy pathogens, viruses and bacteria, therefore, aiding in the restoration of homeostasis.

TenPass Ozone Therapy


Multipass Ozone Therapy also known as TenPass is the most powerful Ozone based modality for treating chronic conditions available today. According to Dr Lahodny, it is also known to create stem-cell activation which accelerates the healing of internal and external wounds.Multipass Ozone therapy can be used for the treatment of many diseases which were previously considered difficult to treat and also acts as an excellent prophylactic measure for the prevention of illness.

L1D TwentyPass Ozone Therapy

We are the first clinic in Europe to provide Dr Lahodny’s latest ozone therapy, L1D TwentyPass.  We have successfully treated many patients over the last few years with TenPass Ozone Therapy and are now very happy to offer TwentyPass for even greater results for our guests.


According to extensive research and real-life application, Medical Ozone therapy is safe, non-toxic and acts at various levels of the organism to stimulate the body’s own immunity and directly destroy pathogens, viruses and bacteria, therefore, aiding in the restoration of homeostasis.

L1D TwentyPass Ozone Therapy


L1D now surpasses TenPass Ozone Therapy as the most powerful Ozone-based modality for treating chronic conditions available today. Dr Lahodny’s extensive research into Multipass Ozone Therapy has shown that it can activate one's own stem cells to repair from within and accelerates the body’s own healing mechanisms. L1D TwentyPass Ozone therapy can be used for the treatment of many diseases which were previously considered difficult to treat and can also be used on a yearly or six-monthly basis as a prophylactic measure for the prevention of illness.
TwentyPass Ozone Therapy can specifically aid with the effects of:

  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Chronic viral and bacterial infection
  • Lyme disease
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Wound healing
  • Breast Implant Illness